GWECC takes a systems-integrator approach in the implementation of waste-to-energy projects. Through years of experience with large scale industrial and technological development/implementation, GWECC understands that there is an overwhelming amount of different processes, technologies, strategies, financing structures, risk factors, and other core components associated with structuring and implementing a waste-to-energy project. This is why GWECC offers comprehensive, A-Z solutions for the implementation of waste-to-energy projects worldwide, taking projects from permitting and construction to commissioning and output production.
Steps to Success
There is an unprecedented amount of components for structuring a waste-to-energy project, and the technological aspect is no different. Each current and proposed waste-to-energy project has different project variables, including varying waste feedstocks, per annum tonnage amounts, seasonally fluctuating tonnage amounts, existing waste disposal sites, existing waste disposal methods and handling, varying regional resource needs, market rates for sub-sequential commodities produced, desired commodities produced and desired commodities produced that will be financially sustainable. It is through these project variables that requires each GWECC project to be ‘tailor-made’.
- Collection Rate
- Handling & Sorting
- Feedstock Prep
- Conversion Technology
- Commodity(s) Produced
- Product Handling & Shipment
GWECC Thermal Conversion system classified as California’s best available technology
— Southern Coastal Air Authority
Because GWECC is dedicated to providing waste-to-energy solutions that are unrivaled in the waste-to-energy sector, the company has partnered with some of the most innovative companies in the market place for handling ancillary processes on the front and back ends of the core conversion process. Depending on the waste feedstock and the output commodity, GWECC has spread its partnerships and alliances, accounting for every potential viable option for waste-to-energy production.
If you are interested in facilitating a waste-to-energy project, please contact GWECC at the Contact Us page and we will provide you with the necessary information needed to start the implementation process.